Potatoes in Huancaina Sauce
By Roxanna Salaverry
Restaurant  Manos Morenas
10 servings.


5 1/2 lbs. yellow potatoes.
5 oz. hot green pepper.
2 cups evaporated milk.
1/4 liter vegetable oil.
20 crackers.
10 oz. feta cheese.
2 roman lettuce.
3 hard boiled eggs.
31/2 oz. black olives.
Salt and pepper.


Liquefy the hot green pepper with the oil, adding the milk, cheese, crackers, salt and pepper until the mix has the consistency of a cream.
Cook the potatoes, peel and cut them in halves.

Place 2 leaves of lettuce on the plate with 4 potatoe's halves over them and cover with the sauce.

Decorate with black olives and sliced hard boiled eggs.