Coriander Goat
Serves 6.

1/2 goat, cut into pieces.
1 liter of chicha de jora (use white wine).
1/2 bunch of coriander (liquified with 1 cup of water).
1/2 teaspoon of ground garlic.
1 onion, diced.
5 tablespoons of oil.
Salt, black pepper, paprika and oregano.
2 cups of water.

One by one season the pieces of goat with salt, black pepper and paprika to taste.
In a mixing bowl combine the chicha (or white wine) with 3 cups of water and oregano.
To this add the goat pieces and let stand for 30 minutes. In a saucepan saute the garlic, onion, and brown the goat pieces in this mixture. Once golden, add the marinade and the liquified coriander. Let the mixture cook on low heat for 40 minutes or until the liquid thickens. Serve with rice, tacu-tacu, or green tamales.